I wish there was another way, but in all of our dreams, the last task always fell unto you. I will not allow anyone to enter until this crisis has ended. I must go inside and protect the memories. The others have gone to alert the village. I had hoped to discuss your experiences in Dream, but you can't always count on hope, can you? Not when so much of what the Ancestors have shown us has already come true. If they offer any new insight, I will pass it along. We must trust in the guidance of the Ancestors. I wasn't a Protector when the brothers lived here, but I gathered they were more interested in the Memory Chamber and our funeral rites. I think she appreciated them more than anyone else in her family, including Sirrus and Achenar. Yeesha used to come here every morning when she stayed with us, and spend hours feeding these butterflies.
She will be alright, won't she? I mean, you won't stop looking until you find her.
Follow the ceremonial alley to her doors, and see what insight she has to provide. She always knows more about what's going on in this land than we do. In the meantime, you should consult the Memory Chamber. I will gather my sisters to help find her. I fear she may be in trouble, but we have not seen her since we gave her the necklace two weeks ago. You may find this hard to believe, but my sisters and I dreamed you would be coming. I am Anya, one of six now serving as Protector here. In the Dream, you always arrived before third bell had rung.
#Myst iv revelation how to
Lights will go off, and everything that's you will be sucked out of your body, leaving behind the perfect disguise for me to step into! Father and Mother will teach you the Art, never knowing it's really me doing the learning! Of course, I'll kill them as soon as I know how to write Ages, then I'll put my new memories back in my body, and no one will be able to stop me!
See this globe, little sister? See how round and smooth and empty it is? When I turn this switch, the chair you're sitting in will activate. I'll try to get Yeesha away from him while you're gone. Maybe, if you bring him here, the three of us can somehow manuever my sick brother into a trap. For some reason, Achenar is terrified of Father. All he cares about now is destroying everything Father created. His confinement on Haven drove him totally insane. You saw me blow up the harvester, but I only did it to stop Achenar from poisoning the Memory Chamber. Look, I know you have no reason to trust me. He says he'll kill her if I don't help him steal Serenia's treasures. No Book, Father? No Linking Book home? Think, Sirrus. I thought I was the only devious one in our family. Only way to do that was to break the glass that contained the gases. The Life Stone had to be inserted directly into the shrine. He's gonna kill Father! I've gotta stop him! I hid it in a stone pillar in the forest, near where two rivers are crossing. Sirrus doesn't even know that I kept one. don't let Father come here, or you'll screw up everything! Find my journal, the one from twenty years ago. Sirrus is mad! He's got Yeesha! I just want to stop him. Okay, okay, it doesn't look good, I admit it, but it's not what you think! I'm just taking it for a little while. and the harder an end is to face, the more hope we bring with us to the next beginning. Endings are just another form of beginning, I guess. And now Catherine and I can give her all the love and attention she'll need to move on with her life. My sons may be gone, but my daughter is safe. It's as if a door inside me has closed, despite everything I've done to keep it open. strong little girl, but she's gonna need time. I must find out if either Sirrus or Achenar deserve to be freed, and. Now Catherine believes our sons should be released.
At the time, Catherine and I decided to leave them imprisoned, because we hoped it might reform them. As you know, my sons, Sirrus and Achenar, were trapped twenty years ago after they destroyed many of the Ages I'd written. you're probably wondering why I asked you here. Yeesha's driving wasn't too erratic, I hope.
Hello, my friend! I see you made it in one piece, so. You're the only one I can confide in, my friend, so I'm asking you to come to Tomahna. Some people believe my sons died in those fires, but the truth is, they did not. I do not discuss my own actions that day, or the rage I felt when I burned the two Linking Books that had snared them. People talk about my sons and the evil things they did, but still I remain strangely mute. For twenty years, I've harbored a secret.